Working together to empower collective ideology at the SFI Summit
23 Nov, 2022
Min read

The Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Summit was held in Limerick on the 21st and 22nd of November, under the theme ’Working together, empowering ideas’.
The event delivered an exciting programme of keynotes, panel discussions and workshops, which provided valuable insights on the strategic direction and collective research achievements of all in attendance.
Delegates were particularly impressed by Prof Ijeoma Uchegbu, Professor of Pharmaceutical Nanoscience at University College London. Prof Donna O’Shea, chair of Cybersecurity at Munster Technological University said: “Ijeoma had a unique ability to communicate her research around drug delivery and nanotechnology to such a broad audience. Congratulations too to Dr Niall Smith for his excellent contribution to the summit, leading the conversation in the role of curiosity and storytelling in research."